Critical care pharmacotherapeutics / [edited by] Thomas J. Johnson. - Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, c2013. - xix, 417 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Pharmacist's role in critical care / Johnson -- Acute illness scoring systems / Johnson -- Tubes and lines, invasive monitoring, and hemodynamics / Nichols -- Mechanical ventilation / Johnson and Bennett -- Analgesia, sedation and delirium management / Kappes -- Acid-base fundamentals / Johnson and Kovaleski -- Fluid and electrolyte management / Bartel and Gau -- Pharmacologic management of blood pressure / Johnson -- Management of cardiac issues in the critically ill patient / Clem -- Severe sepsis and septic shock management / Schramm -- Acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapies, and medication dose adjustment / Peitz and Olsen -- Nutrition support in critical illness / Nystrom -- Fundamentals of antimicrobial therapy in the critically ill / Laible -- Hematologic diseases and bleeding complications of critical illness / Beck -- Pharmacotherapy of neurotrauma and neurologic disease / Neyens -- Neonatal and pediatric intensive care basics / Jensen-Bender.

9781449604783 (pbk.)

Critical care medicine.
Pharmaceutical services.

616.028 / CRI 2013