Buddhism in Chinese culture / [edited] by Cheu Hock-Tong. - Subang Jaya, Selangor : Pelanduk Publications, c2000. - 221 p. ; 22 cm.

Buddhism in Chinese culture traces the impact of Buddhism on the development of Chinese civilization and examines the resistance the religion encountered in the course of its development. An accurate account of the spread of Buddhism has managed to penetrate the Chinese social fabric and the depth of influence Chinese culture and traditions have on Buddhist doctrines. The influence of Buddhism on the social and religious life of the chinese literal and Buddhist monks is also discussed at length. This book highlights not only the integrative and disintegrative trends in the development of Chinese Buddhism, but also examines other aspects such as the development of sacred literature, Guanyin, Buddhist sects, and rituals which form the basis of Mahayana Buddhism in particular and Chinese culture in general. In short, this book provides readers with a broad spectrum of the development of Buddhism and an in-depth study of its influence on the culture, traditions and the mind-set of the Chinese. - Back cover.




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