Anderson, Chalon.

APA and MLA writing formats / Chalon E. Anderson, Amy T. Carrell, Jimmy L. Widdifield, Jr. - Boston, Mass. : Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, c2004 - 212 p. ; 28 cm.

"Revised printing" - Cover

Section Two. Modern Language Association (MLA) Format. 1. Why Document? II. Works Citied. A. Books. 1. Book by One Author. 2. Books by 2-3 Authors. 3. Book by More Than 3 Authors. 4. Two or More Books by the Same Author(s). Exercise 7. Works Cited : Books with 1-3 Authors. 5. Book by a Corporate Author. 6. Book with no Author Named. 7. Edited Book. 8. Anthology, Collection, or Reference Book (Including Dictionaries and Encyclopedais). 9. Work in an Edited Book Author(s) Different from Editor (s). 10. Introduction, Preface, Foreword, or Afterward. 11. Translation. Exercisre 8. Works Cities : Works in Edited Books. 12. Cross-Reference. 13. Edition. 14. Poem. 15. Multivolume Work. 16. Book in a Series. 17. Republished Dissertation. 19. Government Publication. 20. Published Conference Proceedings. 21. Pamphlet. 22. A Book without Publication Information and /or Pagination. B. Articles. 1. Newspaper Article. 2. Magazine Article. c. A letter to the Editor or an Editorial. D. Review. Exercise (Works Citied : Articles, Letters to the Editor, Editorials, and Reviews. E. Journals. 1. Separate Paginatiom for each Issue. 2. Continous Pagination. Exercise 10. Works Citied : Journals. F. Electronic Sources. 1. Scholarly Project or Database. 2. A Document within a Scholarly Project or Database. 3. Article, Letter, or Editorial from an Online Periodical Including Newspapers, Magazines, and Schlorly Journals. 4. Organizational or Personal Homepage. 5. Email Communication. Exercise 11. Works Citied : Online Publications. g. Others Sources. 1. Radio or Television Program. 2. Interview. 3. Visual Recording. 4. Conference Presentation, Lecture, Address. 5. Advertisement. 6. Cartoon. III. Abbreviations. IV. Formatting a Paper in MLA Stlle. Preface. - Section 1. American Psychological Association (APA) Style. I. Basic APA rules. II. Why Documents? III. Sections of the APA manuscript. A. Title page. B. Abstract. C. Introduction. D. Method. E . Results. F. Discussion. G. References. H. Author notes. I. Appendix. IV. Additional APA formatting rules. A. Running Head and Headers. 1. Running Heads. 2. Header. 3. Headings for tables. Exercise 1. Running head and Header. 4. Figures : graphs and tables. 2. Abbreviations for APA Format. Exercise 2. Abbreviations. C. Quatations. Exercise. 3. Quatations. D. Referencing in APA Format. 1. Periodicals. a. Journals. b. Magazines. c. Newsletter article. d. Daily/Weekly Newspaper article. 2. Books. 3. Brochures. 4. Dissertations & Theses Abstracts. 5. Reviews of Books, Films, & Videos. 6. Unpublished Papers Presented at a Meeting. 7. Poster Session. 8. Unpublished Manuscript not Submitted for Publication. 9. Electronic Media. a. On-line Journal. b. On-line Newsletter. c. Abstract on CD-Rom. D. Television Broadcast. e. Television Series. Exercise 4. Referencing. Exercise 5. Referencing. Exercise 6. Referencing. V. Example APA Manuscript : 'Attitudes Towards Disabled Individuals as Influnced by Gender and Disability Type". V. Model Paper : 'Taking Up the Cross : The Existential Jesus ". - Section Three. Grammar. I. Apostrophes. II. Contractions. Exercise 12. Apostrophes. Exercise 13. Apostrophes. III. Capitalization. Exercise 14. Capitalization. IV. Commas. Exercise 15. Commas : Items in a list. Exercise 16. Commas : Coordinate adjectives. Exercise 17. Commas : Independent Clauses. Exercise 18. Commas : Introductory Words, Phrases, and Clauses. V. Semicolons and colons. Exercise 19. Semicolons and colons. Exercise 20. Semicolons and colons. Exercise 21. Semicolons and colons, and Commas. VI. Verbs. Exercise 22. Verbs. - Section Four. Corrected exercises. - Bibliography.

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Research--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Report writing--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

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