Authority search results

Results 1 to 10 of 10

Authorized headings Type of heading Titles
Topical Term:
Cognitive-analytic therapy
used for/see from:
CAT (Psychotherapy)
see also:
Brief psychotherapy (Broader heading)
Cognitive therapy (Broader heading)
Psychoanalysis (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 1 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive therapy
see also:
Cognitive-analytic therapy (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 35 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive Therapy
Details Topical Term 1 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive therapy
Details Topical Term 1 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive therapy for children.
Details Topical Term 6 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive therapy for teenagers
Details Topical Term 4 biblios
Topical Term:
Cognitive therapy Methodology
Details Topical Term 1 biblios
Topical Term:
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
used for/see from:
MBCT (Psychotherapy)
see also:
Cognitive therapy (Broader heading)
Meditation Therapeutic use (Broader heading)
Details Topical Term 7 biblios
Topical Term:
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy Popular works
Details Topical Term 1 biblios
Topical Term:
Schema-focused cognitive therapy
Details Topical Term 2 biblios