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Donovan, John J. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Donovan, John J.
Used for/see from:
  • Donovan, John, 1942-

His Practical techniques in WordStar 2000, c1986: t.p. (John Donovan)

LC data base, 6/30/86 (hdg.: Donovan, John J.; usage: John J. Donovan)

Author's web page, viewed Feb. 24, 2017 (professor John J. Donovan; innovator, teacher, philanthropist, entrepreneur; b. Brooklawn Terrace, Lynn, Mass.; list publications, including The Second Industrial Revolution; Systems Programming; WordStar; and many others.; Ph. D., Yale, 1967; has had affiliations with Tufts and MIT)

Wikipedia, viewed Feb. 24, 2017 (John J. Donovan (born February 12, 1942) is a former management professor at MIT, and the current president and chief executive of the Cambridge Technology Group, an executive training company; authored multiple computer science textbooks, including Systems Programming (1972) and Operating Systems (1974), and his research focused on early work in operating systems, databases, and later applications of IT to business. He also wrote business textbooks such as Business Re-engineering with Information Technology (1994) and Business & Technology: A Paradigm Shift (1993). Donovan and his son, John Jr co-authored a book titled The Second Industrial Revolution (1997). Donovan also served as an assistant clinical professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine. He received two awards for his work at the Center for Birth Defects. Donovan later lectured on Strategic Computing in Government while at Harvard University)