Price, William F., 1951-

Cross-cultural perspectives in introductory psychology / William F. Price, Richley H. Crapo. - 3rd ed. - Pacific Grove, Calif. : Belmont, Calif. : Brooks/Cole Wadsworth, c1999 - xiii, 158 p. ; 24 cm.

20. Leadership Characteristics : The Case of Moral Reasoning in a Rural African Community. 21. Age Differences in Personality Traits Among the Highland Maya. - Pt. Thirteen. Health Psychology. 22. Witchcraft. 23. Coping Styles Among German and Israeli Adolescents. - Pt. Fourteen. Abnormal Psychology. 24. "Call Me Crazy!" Psychiatric Labeling Among the Eskimo and the Yoruba. 25. Depression and Culture. 26. Koro-A Culture-Bond Depersonalization Syndrome. - Pt. Fifteen. Social Psychology. 27. Gimme a Break! Patterns of Cooperation Among Mexicaan-Americans, African-Americans, and Anglo-Americans. 28. Polyandry-Multiple Spouses in Tibet and Pahari, India. 29. Gender Steretyping in Global Perspective. - Pt. Sixteen. Sexuality. 30. The Berdache: Gender-Mixing Among Northern Native Americans. 31. Cross-Cultural Differences in Sexual Jealousy. Pt. One. Psychological Research and Theory. 1. Culture, Value, and Social Thought. 2. The Use of Projective Tests in Non-Western Cultures. 3. How Universal Are Psychological Theories? Freud and Erikson Examined in Global Perspective. - Pt. Two. Sensation. 4. How Much Is Too Much Kayaking? A Case of Kayak-Angst. - Pt. Three. Perception. 5. Depth Perception and Visual Illusions : Why Do Cultural Differences Exist? - Pt. Four. States Of Consciousness. 6. Dreams from Culture to Culture. 7. Alcohol, Drugs, and Religion. - Pt. Five. Conditioning and Learning. 8. The Ifaluk Ghosts of Micronesia. - Pt. Six. Memory and Information Processing. 9. How Children Think: An Issue of Content and Measurement. 10. Who's Afraid of a Test?. - Pt. Seven. Cognition And Language. 11. A World of Colors : Culture Influencing Linguistic Needs. - Pt. Eight. Motivation. 12. Was Hunger the Motivation for Aztec Cannibalism? 13. Aggression: The Nonviolent Semai. 14. Individualism vs. Collectivism: Differences Between Chinese and American Value Orientations. - Pt. Nine. Emotion. 15. A Frown Is a Frown Is a Frown: Facial Expressions Around the World. 16. Witch-Fear Among the Aivilik Eskimo. - Pt. Ten. Development Through The Lifespan. 17. The Elderly in Native American Culture. 18. Female Initiation Rites. - Pt. Eleven. Intelligence And Individual Differences. 19. Race, Culture, and IQ. - Pt. Twelve. Personality.

Ideal as a companion volume to any introductory psychology text, Cross-Culture Perspectives in Introductory Psychology will help you increase your understanding of the similarities and differences among the people of the world as they relate to psychological principles, concepts, and issues. Highlights : Each reading offers insight into another culture, thus reducing ethnocentric thinking and cultural streotypes ; stimulus questions that provoke critical thinking precede each reading ; references, discussion questions, and "For additional reading" sections are included for each reading. - Back cover



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