The design philosophy reader / edited by Anne-Marie Willis - ix, 307 pages ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

The essence of design. -- The fault of Epimetheus / In the beginning / A cautious Prometheus?: a few steps toward a philosophy of design / The depth of design / Design as an ontological question / The practice of design. -- Science, art and practical wisdom / The complication of Praxis / Technicity and publicness: steps towards an urban space / The existential self as the locus of sustainability in design / The science of the concrete / The textility of making / The ethos of design. -- Artifacts: the making sentient of the external world / Ethics by design or the ethos of things / Precariousness and grievability / The one for the other / Ethics in the making / Design and the other. -- What is coloniality of knowledge? / Enframing / The violence of humanitarian design / The force of form, the effect of genre / Why not an alphabet? / Being designed and things. -- The thing / Materialism in not the solution: on matter and form / Is design finished?: dematerialisation and changing things / Beyond Affordances / Understanding, ontology, thrownness and readiness-to-hand / Smart meters don't make us any smarter / Matter and mattering or Why are things "us"? / The designing of technology. -- Technology: instrumental metaphor and cybernetic system / The question concerning technology / Technical mentality / The finite framework of language / 'This system does not produce pleasure anymore' / The designing of visuality. -- On form and imitation / The Plato effect in architecture / An art which imitates art / Sign function and class logic / The production of space / Designing after the end. -- What is the anthro-political? / The intrusion of Gaia / Cosmoecological sheep and the arts of living on a damaged planet / Outing artificial intelligence: reckoning with Turing tests / The posthuman / Introducing 'the sustainment' / Spinoza and us / Anne-Marie Willis -- Bernard Stiegler -- Tony Fry -- Bruno Latour -- Albert Borgmann -- Tony Fry -- Aristotle -- William McNeill -- Stephen Read -- Philippe d'Anjou -- Claude Levi-Strauss -- Tim Ingold -- Elaine Scarry -- Cameron Tonkinwise -- Jusith Butler -- Adriaan Peperzak -- Bodil Jönsson, et al -- Madina V. Tlostanova -- Timothy Mitchell -- Mahmoud Keshavarz -- Francois Jullien -- Lothar Ledderose -- Martin Heidegger -- Graham Harman -- Cameron Tonkinwise -- Michael May -- Terry Winograd and Fernando Flores -- Elizabeth Shove and Sarah Royston -- Clive Dilnot -- Adrian Snodgrass -- Martin Heidegger -- Gilbert Simondon, translated by Arne De Boever -- Michael Heim -- Bernard Stiegler -- Plato -- Christopher N. Henry -- Pierre Bourdieu -- Jean Baudrillard -- Henri Lefebvre -- Claire Colebrook -- Isabelle Stengers -- Viniciane Despret -- Benjamin H. Bratton -- Rosi Braidotti -- Tony Fry -- Gilles Deleuze -- Introduction / Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading -- Introduction -- Guide to further reading

Design Philosophy is becoming increasingly important as the nature of design practice and design education change. This book presents and explains the recent emergence of Design Philosophy, illustrates the main concerns of Design Philosophy and demonstrates why Design Philosophy has emerged in recent years, why it is needed, what it can do, how it can be done and where it is going. Comprised of an eight thematic sections, each with a short introduction, to contextualise theory and highlight its implications, and annotated bibliographies, the Reader presents both an argument for the need for Design Philosophy and an overview of its emergence. With texts ranging from writing on design that is informed by philosophy; philosophically informed writing on culture, relevant to the thinking of design; ancient and contemporary philosophy that directly, or by implication, addresses design; and exegesis and commentary on philosophical texts relevant to design

9780857853493 085785349X 9780857853509 0857853503


NK1505 / .D47 2019