Diabetes / Louise I. Gerdes, book editor. - Farmington Hills, Mich. : Greenhaven Press, c2003. - 176 p. ; 24 cm. - Contemporary issues companion .

Foreword. - Introduction. - Ch. 1: The Nature of Diabetes. 1. The Nature of Diabetes: An Overview / National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. 2. Diabetes: A Global Epidemic / Paul Zimmet. 3. Genetics, Gender, and the Diabetic Family / Rowan Hillson. 4. The Link Between Ethnicity, Type 2 Diabetes, and Heart Disease / Heart Disease Weekly. 5. The Problem of Diabetic Eye Disease / Jerry D. Cavallerano. 6. The Complications of Diabetic Nerve Disease / Wayne L. Clark. 7. The High Prevalence of Amputation in Diabetic Minorities / Carol S. Saunders. 8. The Diabetic Employee and the Americans with Disabilities Act / Mary B. Dickson. - Ch. 2: The Causes of Diabetes. 1. Factors That Contribute to the Onset of Diabetes: An Overview / Rattan Juneja, interviewed by Patrick Perry. 2. The "Thrifty Genotype" Theory / Hilary King and Gojka Rogli. 3. The Relationship Between Obesity and Diabetes / Sarah Scott. 4. Studying Diabetes in the Pima Indians / Jane DeMouy. 5. Diabetes and Agent Orange: A Controversial Link / Gina Kolata. - Ch. 3: The Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes. 1. Preventing and Treating Type 2 Diabetes: An Overview / Anita Smith. 2. The Prevention and Treatment of Childhood Diabetes / Allen M. Spiegel. 3. Diet, Exercise, and Drug Treatment Delay Type 2 Diabetes / Joan Chamberlain and Jane DeMouy. 4. Managing Blood Glucose Combats the Complications of Diabetes / Shai Gozani 5. Treating Type 2 Diabetes in Women / Harvard Women's Health Watch. 6. Health Professionals Must Promote New Diabetes Treatment Options / Christopher D. Saudek. 7. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Insulin Pumps / Robert S. Dinsmoor. 8. The Promise of Islet Transplantation / Roger Doughty. 9. Alternative Treatment of Diabetes with Natural Therapeutics / Alan R. Gaby and Trina M. Seligman. - Ch. 4. Living with Diabetes. 1. The Secrets of My Success: A Diabetic Takes Control / Richard K. Daly, as told to Peggy Morgan. 2. Taking the Offensive Against Type 1 Diabetes / Kerry Pianoforte. 3. A Curse of Diabetes Becomes a Blessing / Tom Thompkins. 4. Learning the Importance of Talking About Diabetes / Christen Opsal. 5. Breaking the Cycle of Diabetes / Marie McCarren. 6. Taking a Chance on Islet Transplantation / Adam Marcus. 7. Battling Diabetic Eye Disease / Jim Brabenec and Lance Cheung. 8. "Through the Eyes of the Eagle": A Native American Vision / Georgia Perez. - Glossary. - Organizations to Contact. - Bibliography. - Index.

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