Ahmad Ibrahim, Tan Sri, 1916-1999

The administration of Islamic law in Malaysia / Ahmad Mohamed Ibrahim - Kuala Lumpur : Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia, 2000 - xxv, 734 p. ; 24 cm.

"Table of cases": p. vii-xii. "Table of statutes": p. xiii-xvii. First published 2000

Pt. 4. Islamic Banking and Finance. Ch. 16. Islamic Banking Act, 1983. Ch. 17. Legislation on Consumer Credit in Malaysia and the Muslim Response. Ch. 18. The Role of Accountants in a Dynamic Malaysia Socio-Economic Development. Ch. 19. The Future of the Islamic Financial System in Malaysia. Ch. 20. The Role and Scope of Islamic Law for the Design and Establishment of an Islamic Political Economy. - Pt. 5. Islamic Criminal Law. Ch. 21. Islamic Criminal Law. Ch. 22. Apostasy and its Effect in Islam. Ch. 23. Suitability of the Islamic Punishments in Malaysia. - Pt. 6. Procedure in the Islamic Law. Ch. 24. Religious Beliefs and Humanitarian Law with Special Reference to Islam. Ch. 25. Human Rights in Islam: Judicial Safeguards. Ch. 26. Evidence, Witnesses and Procedure in theShariah Court. Ch. 27. Prospect of an International Islamic Court. - Index. Forward. - Preface. - Table of Cases. - Table of Statutes. - Introduction. - Pt. 1. The Shariah Legal System. Ch. 1. The Legal System and the Social Order in Malaysia. Ch. 2. The Influence of Islam on Law in Malaysia. Ch. 3. Civil Law and Shariah Law - Conflict of Jurisdiction. Ch. 4. Judges and Lawyers under the Shariah and the Civil Law. Ch. 5. Justice in the Shariah Court. Ch. 6. Recent Developments in the Shariah Law in Malaysia. Ch. 7. Maslahah and Its Application in Malaysia's Multi-Racial Society. Ch. 8. Islam and Law. Ch. 9. The Study of Shariah Law in Malaysia. - Pt. 2. Islamic Family Law. Ch. 10. Effect of Conversion on Marriage. Section 51 of The Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, 1976. Ch. 11. The Administration of Islamic Family Law in Malaysia. - Pt. 3. Islamic Jurisprudence. Ch. 12. Conversion To and From Islam. Ch. 13. The Collection and Disbursement of Zakat. Ch. 14. The Principles of an Islamic Constitution and the Constitution of Malaysia: A Comparative Analysis. Ch. 15. Superiority of the Islamic System of Justice.


Islamic law--Malaysia.

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